Most of my reviews are novels and short story books. I have even reviewed a book of poems. But today, I am going a bit creative and reviewing…a comic book! And this is not just any Marvel or DC comics. Presenting, the ghost who walks, the man who cannot die, the Phantom!

The Phantom comics was first made in 1936. Its superhero, the Phantom, is one of the oldest superhero heroes in the world. It has been read by four generations. Go ask your grandmother if she has read it! Mine is a big fan of Phantom and gave me my first phantom comic!
One of a Kind
Unlike other comics, The Phantom is very unique in many ways. First of all, his costume is purple! Nobody would colour their hero in purple! But it does suit him well, as purple symbolizes wisdom and dignity, which are two big traits the Phantom has. Unlike other heroes, he doesn’t leap into action when he sees a villain. He waits and observes, then finds out how to defeat him. He creates fear and panic in the minds of his targets and ultimately conquers them. He thinks before he acts, which most superheroes don’t do.
Comic book Mystique
Most of the settings in comics would be in big cities. Bruce Wayne also known as the Batman has the big Wayne Manor and Tony Stark a.k.a The Iron Man has the futuristic Stark Tower. The Phantom’s home is in the jungle along with many native tribes. The technology he uses is also very limited; the Phantom mostly uses pistols and his fists. The jungle setting also gives the comic some mystique.
A people’s hero
Many super heroes of famous but often lonely. Batman only had his silent butler, Albert to talk to. Tony Stark had made Jarvis, an AI robot as a friend. In all the comics, I have noticed that Phantom is never alone. He is always with his family and has his trusty dog, Devil and his horse, hero. All the jungle tribes are friendly with him, especially phantom’s assistant, Guran.
Immortal or not?
All the tribes in jungle and all the criminals who met him believes that The Phantom is immortal. Actually, he comes from a line of 21 Phantoms all fighting evil in their times. Nobody knows this secret except his family and Guran.

The author and cartoonist of the Phantom comics Lee Falk, an American cartoonist. He said that he was sitting in a room with a mirror and randomly drew the Phantom! He originally wanted to name his hero. The great ghost but then went with the phantom. Falk intended the Phantom to be gray, But the colorist decided that he would look better in purple.
Lee Falk died but his creation, the Phantom still lives as the man who cannot die in the hearts of people.
Hi H u have identified the strategy of phantom-u need to strategize us