Ramya saw it on the road and wondered what to do, “Should I take it home or leave it here!” Read my short story that has a twist to the tale.
Several minutes ago Ramya was just walking down a little path, a shortcut from her school to her home. She normally walked home with her friends, but today, she was alone. As she was walking, something shined brightly in the afternoon sun. Its brilliance blinded her. It was a stopwatch!
The stopwatch was rusty and made of bronze. Ramya checked. No. It had gone bad. She peered closer and saw something written on its back. It was very faint, ‘Kumaar ki ghadee ki dukaan’ it read, or ‘Kumar’s watch shop’.

Ramya was a very thoughtful and imaginative young girl of 11. She liked mystery, myth and magic so much that she even read books and watched television shows of them. When she grew up she wanted to be a detective.
Ramya knew Kumar’s shop; it was a very old shop selling antique alarm clocks and watches. She also loved going there because, the owner of the shop, Mr.Kumar, would give her a Diary Milk chocolate, her favorite. Mr.Kumar was an old man, but loved children and would do anything for them. He especially liked Ramya running into his shop and gazing at all those old clocks. Sometimes, he would tell her a story or two about some of them.

Ramya ran into Mr.Kumar’s shop. It was a very dusty place with clocks ticking everywhere. As I told you that she was a very imaginative girl, Ramya imagined that she was in a forest that had trees which were made of clocks and the grass had a small ticking sound everywhere.
While she was imagining this, she was immediately brought back to reality when she heard the sudden sound from Mr.Kumar’s walking stick. The old man was polishing one of his alarm clocks. Usually, old people don’t like it when children knock over their belongings but Mr.Kumar didn’t mind children in his shop. Instead he just smiled at her.
“What brings you here, Ramya?” asked Mr.Kumar. He was always to the point. “Uncle, I was walking along this path when suddenly…” Ramya held out the stopwatch to Mr.Kumar. “It has your shop’s name written on it”. Mr.Kumar took it from her hand and inspected it. As he held it, his hand started trembling as if the stopwatch were vibrating. Suddenly it broke free from Mr.Kumar and went back to Ramya’s hand. She was astounded!
“What does this mean?” asked Ramya. “Ramya, this is no ordinary stopwatch, but a magical one!”
“Magical?” said Ramya. She was finding all this very strange.
Mr. Kumar explained, “I had this stopwatch when I was young. It was a gift from my father. Ever since I had it, I could control time.”
“Control time!?” said Ramya.
“Yes! You have to believe this. This magic stopwatch is calling you! It wants you to be its rightful owner! Imagine what you could do with this! You could stop time, speed it up, slow it down, and God knows what else! Please take it. It belongs to you!”
Ramya thought for a moment. “A magic stopwatch… what could I use it for? Hmmm…” she thought of her dreams and ambitions. She definitely wanted to become a detective. Suddenly, an idea sprang into her mind. She said “Fine, uncle. I’ll take it. I have a good idea as to how I can use it! Thank you!” and smiled joyfully at him.
“Just one more thing” said Mr.Kumar as Ramya was going to leave his shop. “Use it sensibly” “Ok, Kumar uncle” said Ramya and skipped along the path home.
Over the years, Ramya grew up to be the most famous detective in the world. No crime couldn’t be solved by her. And her secret? Well, it was her trusty little stopwatch! In every crime scene, Ramya would click the stopwatch and go back in time to see who had been the culprit. She used it only for good.
Suddenly, a bus honked loudly. Ramya woke up.
Ramya found herself lying in her bed. The school bus was honking outside. She gazed around for few minutes and then thought “Oh! I am late for school! At least I had a wonderful dream. Magical stopwatches, controlling time! I think I could make a story on this!” she thought.
As she was getting inside the school bus, she wondered, “I wonder what chocolate I am going to get from Kumar uncle today! Oh I can’t wait to see!”