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Elections at Catnada - 2021

Writer's picture: Harsha PrashanthHarsha Prashanth

It is #noexcusesday at Catnada Ranch. Elections are on for the best cat party.

Hi everyone! If you all are living in Chennai ithen you would have voted for the elections. Guess what? Everybody in Catnada voted too.

If you are a newcomer here and don’t know Catnada, here it is. Catnada is the setting of my short story series (Sheriff McRattripper Series). It is a peaceful ranch where only cats live.

Here is a rule manual of the Catnada elections made by the Daily Meow Printing Press. There are three options to vote for (Cat parties)- KittyJP, Catgress and Catzi.

The Sheriff McRattripper story series and this Catnada election manual and the whole concept of cats is based on my pet/apartment cat- Hitler.

Ps: he is called Hitler because he has a small black patch between his nose and mouth, just like Adolf Hitler’s moustache. Thank you Hitler (not Adolf, he has done enough damage) for being the backbone of my story series and this manual.

Meowings to you,


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