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  • Writer's pictureHarsha Prashanth

The Pink Stool

Oh come one and all,

Hear my adventures most astounding.

I have gone through generations of service,

And got many a scar and smears.

I am a pink stool.

We start with my first adventure,

when I was as new as a shiny denture.

I was brought to bathe,

a very cute little babe.

He smiled with glee,

as his mom wiped his knee

The little babe soon grew in love,

with me, The good Pink Stool.

We played and played,

until oh! I was a dismay!

The babe became a boi,

I the Pink Stool was no more his toy.

So off to the loft I went,

till again reawakened

This time, to help the boi’s granny on a bus,

but oh, the granny did make a fuss!

After the granny, I went back to loft-hell,

this time, it wasn’t so swell.

End of my adventure? No.

For I was remembered by an exercise lady,

and mistress to the cat named Tommy.

I became her exercise-helper and leg rest,

I bet this ending to my loft days is the best!

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